Date:    Tue, 2 Apr 1996 08:46:28 +0200
From:    Olof Bjorner 
Subject: With One Hand Waving Free - Bob Dylan 1995 - part 4 of 8

                        WITH ONE HAND WAVING FREE
                             BOB DYLAN 1995
                             by Olof Bjorner

               A summary of recording & concert activities.
                       New releases, tapes & books.

                    Copyright (c) 1996 by Olof Bjorner
                          All Rights Reserved

       This article may be reproduced, retransmitted, redistributed and
       otherwise propagated at will,  provided that this notice remains
       intact and in place.

                              Part 4 of 8


  1.  INTRODUCTION                                        \
  2.  THE YEAR AT A GLANCE                                 |
  3.  CALENDAR                                             |
  4.  RECORDINGS                                           |-- part 1 of 8
      4.1 New releases                                     |
          4.1.1 MTV Unplugged                              |
          4.1.2 Highway 61 Interactive                     |
          4.1.3 Greatest Hits Volume 3 CD+                 |
      4.2 Recordings from 1995                             |
      4.3 New tapes                                        |
  5.  THE NEVER-ENDING TOUR CONTINUES                     \
      5.1 Introduction                                     |
      5.2 The Musicians                                    |
      5.3 The show                                         |
      5.4 Europe Spring Tour                               | -- part 2 of 8
          5.4.1 Dates and venues                           |
          5.4.2 The songs                                  |
          5.4.3 Statistics                                 |
      5.5 US Spring Tour                                  \
          5.5.1 Dates and venues                           |
          5.5.2 The songs                                  | -- part 3 of 8
          5.5.3 Statistics                                 |
      5.6 Europe Summer Tour                              \
          5.6.1 Dates and Venues                           |
          5.6.2 The songs                                  | -- part 4 of 8
          5.6.3 Statistics                                 |    ===========
      5.7 The Fall Classics Tour                          \
          5.7.1 Dates and Venues                           |
          5.7.2 The songs                                  | -- part 5 of 8
          5.7.3 Statistics                                 |
      5.8 The Paradise Lost Tour                          \
          5.8.1 Dates and Venues                           |
          5.8.2 The songs                                  | -- part 6 of 8
          5.8.3 Statistics                                 |
      5.9 Summary                                         \
          5.9.1  Show statistics                           |
          5.9.2  Alphabetical song list                    |
          5.9.3  Song statistics                           | -- part 7 of 8
  6.  NEW BOOKS                                            |
  7.  REFERENCES & SOURCES                                /

  APPENDIX: THE SET-LISTS                                    -- part 8 of 8

  5.6 Europe Summer Tour
  5.6.1 Dates and venues


   29   Oslo, Norway                   Spektrum


    1   Roskilde, Denmark              Dyrskuepladsen,
                                       Roskilde Rock Festival
    2   Hamburg, Germany               Statdpark
    3   Hannover, Germany              Musik Halle
    4   Berlin, Germany                Tempodrom
    7   Glauchau, Germany              Freilichtbuhne
    8   Munich, Germany                Terminal 1
   10   Stuttgart, Germany             Liederhalle, Beethovensaal,
                                       Kultur und Congresszentrum
   12   Dortmund, Germany              Westfalenhalle 2
   14   Stratford-upon-Avon, England   Phoenix Festival,
                                       Long Marston Airfield
   16   Bilbao, Spain                  Plaza de Toros
   19   Madrid, Spain                  Sala La Riviera
   20   Cartagena, Spain               Puerto Deportivo de Cartagena
   21   Valencia, Spain                Pabellon de Deportes
                                       Vela Droma Luis Puig
   24   Barcelona, Spain               El Poeblo Espanol
   25   Zaragoza, Spain                Pabellon Princepe Felpe
   27   Montpellier, France            Espace Grammont
   28   Vienne, France                 Theatre Romain Antique
   30   Nyon, Switzerland              Paleo Festival

  5.6.2 The songs

  AB  acoustic with the band

  In order played:
                                     June         July
                                       29  1  2  3  4  7  8 10 12 14
  Crash On The Levee                    1  1  1  1  1  1  1
  The Man In Me                         2                    2
  All Along The Watchtower              3  3  3  3  3  3  3  3  3  3
  Just Like A Woman                     4
  You're A Big Girl Now                 5              4
  Silvio                                6  6  6  6  6  6  6  6  6  5
  Tangled Up In Blue                AB  7  7  7     7  7        7  6
  Masters Of War                    AB  8     8        8     8
  Don't Think Twice, It's All Right AB  9  9     9
  Stuck Inside Of Mobile               10    10       10       10
  I And I                              11
  Highway 61 Revisited                 12 12             12
  Ballad Of A Thin Man                 13    13             13
  It Ain't Me, Babe                 AB 14       14       14
  Rainy Day Women # 12 & 35            15    15 15 15 15 15 15 15 10
  It Takes A Lot To Laugh                  2                    5
  Tears Of Rage                            4                       4
  I Don't Believe You                      5
  Girl From The North Country       AB     8        8
  Seeing The Real You At Last             10       10 12           9
  I'll Remember You                       11
  Knockin' On Heaven's Door               13       13          13
  The Times They Are A-Changin'     AB    14       14       14
  If Not For You                              2
  Queen Jane Approximately                    4
  Pledging My Time                            5
  It's All Over Now, Baby Blue      AB        9        9        9
  She Belongs To Me                          11       11
  Obviously Five Believers                   12
  My Back Pages                     AB       14       14       14
  Lay Lady Lay                                   2     2
  Positively 4th Street                          4
  Jokerman                                       5
  Mr. Tambourine Man                AB           7        7
  Gates Of Eden                     AB           8
  Tombstone Blues                               10
  In The Garden                                 11
  Leopard-Skin Pill-Box Hat                     12          12
  I Shall Be Released                           13    13
  I Want You                                        2              2
  Under The Red Sky                                 4
  I'll Be Your Baby Tonight                         5
  Love Minus Zero/No Limit          AB              9
  Lenny Bruce                                      11
  Cat's In The Well                                12          12
  Watching The River Flow                              5
  Man In The Long Black Coat                              2
  I Believe In You                                        4    11
  Most Likely You Go Your Way                             5
  Boots Of Spanish Leather          AB                    8     8
  To Ramona                         AB                    9
  Everything Is Broken                                   10
  Every Grain Of Sand                                    11
  Like A Rolling Stone                                   13
  Drifter's Escape                                           1  1  1
  Born In Time                                               4
  Shelter From The Storm                                     5
  Mama, You Been On My Mind         AB                       7     7
  One Too Many Mornings             AB                       9     8
  God Knows                                                 10
  What Good Am I?                                           11
  Senor (Tales Of Yankee Power)                                 2
  Shooting Star                                                 4

  Total # of songs                     15 14 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 10

                                       16 19 20 21 24 25 27 29 30 Tot
  Crash On The Levee                    1  1                    1  10
  The Man In Me                                                     2
  All Along The Watchtower              3  3  3  3  3  3  3  3  3  19
  Just Like A Woman                              4                  2
  You're A Big Girl Now                       5        5            4
  Silvio                                6  6  6  6  6  6  5  6  6  19
  Tangled Up In Blue                AB     7  7     7     6  7  7  13
  Masters Of War                    AB  8     8                 8   7
  Don't Think Twice, It's All Right AB           9                  4
  Stuck Inside Of Mobile                        10                  5
  I And I                                                           1
  Highway 61 Revisited                       12             12 12   6
  Ballad Of A Thin Man                       13             13      5
  It Ain't Me, Babe                 AB 14 14                   14   6
  Rainy Day Women # 12 & 35            15 15 15 15 15 15  9 15 15  18
  It Takes A Lot To Laugh                                 2         3
  Tears Of Rage                                                     2
  I Don't Believe You                                        5      2
  Girl From The North Country       AB                              2
  Seeing The Real You At Last                      12     8         6
  I'll Remember You                                                 1
  Knockin' On Heaven's Door                     13    13            5
  The Times They Are A-Changin'     AB       14    14       14      6
  If Not For You                        2                       2   3
  Queen Jane Approximately                                      5   2
  Pledging My Time                                                  1
  It's All Over Now, Baby Blue      AB  9           9     7     9   7
  She Belongs To Me                       11                        3
  Obviously Five Believers                12          12            3
  My Back Pages                     AB          14                  4
  Lay Lady Lay                             2           2            4
  Positively 4th Street                          5                  2
  Jokerman                                                          1
  Mr. Tambourine Man                AB  7        7     7            5
  Gates Of Eden                     AB           8                  2
  Tombstone Blues                         10          10    10      4
  In The Garden                                       11            2
  Leopard-Skin Pill-Box Hat            12       12             10   5
  I Shall Be Released                              11     4         4
  I Want You                                  2                     3
  Under The Red Sky                                                 1
  I'll Be Your Baby Tonight             5        2                  3
  Love Minus Zero/No Limit          AB     9           9     9      4
  Lenny Bruce                                                       1
  Cat's In The Well                                                 2
  Watching The River Flow                  5                        2
  Man In The Long Black Coat                                        1
  I Believe In You                              11                  3
  Most Likely You Go Your Way                       5               2
  Boots Of Spanish Leather          AB     8                        3
  To Ramona                         AB        9                     2
  Everything Is Broken                                              1
  Every Grain Of Sand                                               1
  Like A Rolling Stone                 13 13       13          13   5
  Drifter's Escape                            1  1  1     1  1      8
  Born In Time                          4                           2
  Shelter From The Storm                      4                     2
  Mama, You Been On My Mind         AB                              2
  One Too Many Mornings             AB                14            3
  God Knows                            10    10    10               4
  What Good Am I?                                           11      2
  Senor (Tales Of Yankee Power)                     2        2      3
  Shooting Star                                     4               2
  Disease Of Conceit                   11                           1
  Simple Twist Of Fate                     4                        1
  License To Kill                            11                 4   2
  A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall        AB              8               1
  To Be Alone With You                                 1            1
  When I Paint My Masterpiece                          4            1
  Desolation Row                    AB                 8     8      2
  Ring Them Bells                                            4      1
  Joey                                                         11   1

  Total # of songs                     15 15 15 15 15 15  9 15 15 273

  Alphabetic song chart:
                                     June         July
                                       29  1  2  3  4  7  8 10 12 14

  All Along The Watchtower              3  3  3  3  3  3  3  3  3  3
  Ballad Of A Thin Man                 13    13             13
  Boots Of Spanish Leather          AB                    8     8
  Born In Time                                               4
  Cat's In The Well                                12          12
  Crash On The Levee                    1  1  1  1  1  1  1
  Desolation Row                    AB
  Disease Of Conceit
  Don't Think Twice, It's All Right AB  9  9     9
  Drifter's Escape                                           1  1  1
  Every Grain Of Sand                                    11
  Everything Is Broken                                   10
  Gates Of Eden                     AB           8
  Girl From The North Country       AB     8        8
  God Knows                                                 10
  A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall        AB
  Highway 61 Revisited                 12 12             12
  I And I                              11
  I Believe In You                                        4    11
  I Don't Believe You                      5
  I Shall Be Released                           13    13
  I Want You                                        2              2
  I'll Be Your Baby Tonight                         5
  I'll Remember You                       11
  If Not For You                              2
  In The Garden                                 11
  It Ain't Me, Babe                 AB 14       14       14
  It Takes A Lot To Laugh                  2                    5
  It's All Over Now, Baby Blue      AB        9        9        9
  Jokerman                                       5
  Just Like A Woman                     4
  Knockin' On Heaven's Door               13       13          13
  Lay Lady Lay                                   2     2
  Lenny Bruce                                      11
  Leopard-Skin Pill-Box Hat                     12          12
  License To Kill
  Like A Rolling Stone                                   13
  Love Minus Zero/No Limit          AB              9
  Mama, You Been On My Mind         AB                       7     7
  The Man In Me                         2                    2
  Man In The Long Black Coat                              2
  Masters Of War                    AB  8     8        8     8
  Most Likely You Go Your Way                             5
  Mr. Tambourine Man                AB           7        7
  My Back Pages                     AB       14       14       14
  Obviously Five Believers                   12
  One Too Many Mornings             AB                       9     8
  Pledging My Time                            5
  Positively 4th Street                          4
  Queen Jane Approximately                    4
  Rainy Day Women # 12 & 35            15    15 15 15 15 15 15 15 10
  Ring Them Bells
  Seeing The Real You At Last             10       10 12           9
  Senor (Tales Of Yankee Power)                                 2
  She Belongs To Me                          11       11
  Shelter From The Storm                                     5
  Shooting Star                                                 4
  Silvio                                6  6  6  6  6  6  6  6  6  5
  Simple Twist Of Fate
  Stuck Inside Of Mobile               10    10       10       10
  Tangled Up In Blue                AB  7  7  7     7  7        7  6
  Tears Of Rage                            4                       4
  The Times They Are A-Changin'     AB    14       14       14
  To Be Alone With You
  To Ramona                         AB                    9
  Tombstone Blues                               10
  Under The Red Sky                                 4
  Watching The River Flow                              5
  What Good Am I?                                           11
  When I Paint My Masterpiece
  You're A Big Girl Now                 5              4

  Total # of songs                     15 14 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 10

                                       16 19 20 21 24 25 27 29 30 Tot

  All Along The Watchtower              3  3  3  3  3  3  3  3  3  19
  Ballad Of A Thin Man                       13             13      5
  Boots Of Spanish Leather          AB     8                        3
  Born In Time                          4                           2
  Cat's In The Well                                                 2
  Crash On The Levee                    1  1                    1  10
  Desolation Row                    AB                 8     8      2
  Disease Of Conceit                   11                           1
  Don't Think Twice, It's All Right AB           9                  4
  Drifter's Escape                            1  1  1     1  1      8
  Every Grain Of Sand                                               1
  Everything Is Broken                                              1
  Gates Of Eden                     AB           8                  2
  Girl From The North Country       AB                              2
  God Knows                            10    10    10               4
  A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall        AB              8               1
  Highway 61 Revisited                       12             12 12   6
  I And I                                                           1
  I Believe In You                              11                  3
  I Don't Believe You                                        5      2
  I Shall Be Released                              11     4         4
  I Want You                                  2                     3
  I'll Be Your Baby Tonight             5        2                  3
  I'll Remember You                                                 1
  If Not For You                        2                       2   3
  In The Garden                                       11            2
  It Ain't Me, Babe                 AB 14 14                   14   6
  It Takes A Lot To Laugh                                 2         3
  It's All Over Now, Baby Blue      AB  9           9     7     9   7
  Joey                                                         11   1
  Jokerman                                                          1
  Just Like A Woman                              4                  2
  Knockin' On Heaven's Door                     13    13            5
  Lay Lady Lay                             2           2            4
  Lenny Bruce                                                       1
  Leopard-Skin Pill-Box Hat            12       12             10   5
  License To Kill                            11                 4   2
  Like A Rolling Stone                 13 13       13          13   5
  Love Minus Zero/No Limit          AB     9           9     9      4
  Mama, You Been On My Mind         AB                              2
  The Man In Me                                                     2
  Man In The Long Black Coat                                        1
  Masters Of War                    AB  8     8                 8   7
  Most Likely You Go Your Way                       5               2
  Mr. Tambourine Man                AB  7        7     7            5
  My Back Pages                     AB          14                  4
  Obviously Five Believers                12          12            3
  One Too Many Mornings             AB                14            3
  Pledging My Time                                                  1
  Positively 4th Street                          5                  2
  Queen Jane Approximately                                      5   2
  Rainy Day Women # 12 & 35            15 15 15 15 15 15  9 15 15  18
  Ring Them Bells                                            4      1
  Seeing The Real You At Last                      12     8         6
  Senor (Tales Of Yankee Power)                     2        2      3
  She Belongs To Me                       11                        3
  Shelter From The Storm                      4                     2
  Shooting Star                                     4               2
  Silvio                                6  6  6  6  6  6  5  6  6  19
  Simple Twist Of Fate                     4                        1
  Stuck Inside Of Mobile                        10                  5
  Tangled Up In Blue                AB     7  7     7     6  7  7  13
  Tears Of Rage                                                     2
  The Times They Are A-Changin'     AB       14    14       14      6
  To Be Alone With You                                 1            1
  To Ramona                         AB        9                     2
  Tombstone Blues                         10          10    10      4
  Under The Red Sky                                                 1
  Watching The River Flow                  5                        2
  What Good Am I?                                           11      2
  When I Paint My Masterpiece                          4            1
  You're A Big Girl Now                       5        5            4

  Total # of songs                     15 15 15 15 15 15  9 15 15 273

  5.6.3 Statistics


  Number of shows:                        19
  Number of circulating shows:            19
  Number of circulating & complete shows: 19
  Number of unique shows:                 19      (1)
  Number of different shows:              19      (2)

  Number of different songs:              72      (3)
  Number of unique songs:                 72      (4)
  Number of performed songs:             273
  Mean number of performed songs:         14

  Variation:                              5.0     (5)

    (1)   a show is unique if no other show has the same songs in the same
    (2)   a show is different from another show if the set of songs are
          different, regardless of order.
    (3)   electric and acoustic versions are counted as different songs.
    (4)   a song is counted as unique regardless of how it is performed;
    (5)   variation is computed as the ratio between number of different
          songs and mean number of performed songs.

                  # of                     # of
                  songs         %          perf.           %
  Electric         55          76.4%        200          73.3%
  Acoustic         17          23.6%         73          26.7%

  Albums           71          98.6%        271          99.3%
  Singles           1           1.4%          2           0.7%
  Covers            0           0.0%          0           0.0%

  Bob Dylan toured Europe for the seventh year in a row. Since 1965 Dylan has
  played 306 concerts in 27 different countries during his European tours.
  Here's a summary:

  Country       65  66  78  81  84  87  89  90  91  92  93  94  95  Tot
  Austria                    1   1               2           2        6
  Belgium                        1   1   1   2   1               1    7
  Czech Republic                                             1   3    4
  Denmark            1       1   1   1       1   1               1    7
  East Germany                       1                                1
  England        8   9   7   8   2   7   2   6   8       7       9   73
  Finland                            1   1   1                        3
  France             1   5   3   4   1   1   4       4   3   3   4   33
  Greece                                 2               2            4
  Germany                                    2   6       2   6  10   26
  Hungary                                        1                    1
  Iceland                                    1                        1
  Ireland            1           1       2       1       2       1    8
  Israel                             2                   3            5
  Italy                          6   5   4       3   4   3   2       27
  Luxembourg                                             1            1
  The Netherlands        1       2   1   1       1       3       3   12
  Northern Ireland   1                           1       1       1    4
  Norway                     2               1   1               1    5
  Poland                                                     2        2
  Portugal                                               2            2
  Scotland           2                   1       2               3    8
  Spain                          2       3               6       6   17
  Sweden             1   2   1   1   2   2       2   2               13
  Switzerland                1   1   2       1   1   1   1   1   1   10
  Turkey                                 1                            1
  Wales              1                                           1    2
  West Germany           4   6   5   6                               21
  Yugoslavia                                     2                    2
  TOTAL          8  17  19  23  27  30  21  19  33  11  36  17  45  306

  Recommended shows
  Dortmund 7/12, Barcelona 7/24.

  There are complete audience tapes from all shows.


Expecting Rain | Olof 1994